Tuesday, April 28, 2009


haaa...another product from REDMUMMY.COM!!! saper yang jadik loyal readers of RM..confirmmmmmmm kenallll saper redmummy kan... all her stories in her blogs mesti korang tau...and currently she's soo into makeup...... haa....leh jadik mak andam RM pasnie..peewwiittt.... tu tunggu lu....skangggggg......i nak promote the stickers!!!

YESSS!!! REDMUMMY.COM dah ader CAR STICKER skaranggg...peeewwiiittt....!!!!! best akkkk??? sangat besttt...this project kitorang the GBMs tolong aper yang mampu gituu kan....eheheh...

the PRice???rm10 ajerr..and part of it will go to charity.... so sambil korang beli sambil menderma dan beramal jariah gituuuu....

so dalam mase brp ari ehh..tak sampai 3 hari ok.... dah habessssss...order dah tutop..because kitorang print out 100 ajorkk.. EXCLUSIVE gituuu.... haaaa...so saper dah order??? dah BAYAR??? okey..sticker on the wayyyy....

yang tak sempat nak order..... aaaaaaaaa.....nanti aaa tunggu project lain akan datang...wahh ader lagik??? memandai jeeee aku niee.....insyaallahh..adoo lagik kan kak red kannnnn????

so skang kitorang tgh busy buat compilation and kejar utangggg..wkakaa...sape tak bayar lagik..sila laa buat pembayaran yer..........terima kasih..yang dah bayar.. thank u so much for the payment and your support......

pasni kalo ader kete tertampal sticker nie..leh laa kite main hon hon ehhhh....wiitt wittt!!!!

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