i went to kak elly's house...dier buat open house exclusively for her friends only..uwahhh exclusive katenyer....poyo kan.....ko ado? takdo kan? so tutop molott....!
kak elly kate sampai asar jerk..but i got stuck at my aunty's ..ader open house jugak..so terlambat la sket... then smsed kak elly and asked her...bleh ker extend sampai isya'....boley? ahaha... suke2 jer kan suh org extend open house kan....dulikk kay...hiihihks... then kak elly kate dtg jer laa.. and kak fara or ayusolo pon ader jugak nieee...
uwaahhh i was sooo excited to meet both of them... first timeeee niee jumper....dug dag dug dag..eceh..konon nervous la..hakss...iyo la...i nie "pemalu" orgnyer...(pemalu katenyer..mati la kene carut kan....) tol tak kak elly and kak fara?? segan2 jer kan yan ari tuh....hiks...
kak elly "masak" bi hun sup ader...nasik himpit ader...mee sup pon ader... (lain2 isi..kuah same jer....larikkkkkk..) tapi soooodaaapp jork...time kasih kak elly for the invitation...hiks... the best part was dapat jumper antara bloggers yg i kenal mase mule2 menjinak2kan diri memblog nie...kenal pon tru' blog kak red gituh..time kasih secare tidak langsung kepada redmummy.com...hiihih......ini laa gambonyer.."kecik" jerk dorangg ni rupenyer....hahahahha...
larikkkk ker uganda sekarang jugeeee......
yer....dan sy paling kecik yerkkk...tima kasihhh...:P...
sampai gak yan kan...tak sia2 akak tunggu ko....nice to meet u lah dear...:)
kite pon rs nye kenal dlm blog kak red jgk kan.
dgn wanie bila lagi nak jumpa,
wanie jauhlah dear,
no prob yan..thankies sbb dtg..1st org kate gwe kecik hikhikhik
wawa: haah laa...kite pon kenal tru redmummy.com..:)
kak wanie: laaaaa biler2 jer leh jumper....kak waniee nuuuunn di utara...sayee niiiiinnnn di selatan..ehhehee... kak wanie cam slalu je turun kl..leh laa roger2...:)
kak elly: kasik can laaa..kate kak elly kecik kan....ahahaha larrriikkkk
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