aalaalalalalallaaaa..still thinking... still deciding..... wahh...lots of things to think about.... adeh....den poning laa..den jiwakacau...tapi takper...stay cool..go slow......buat biaser...kite carik keje dulu...build up my career dulu.....benda lain tolak tepi jap.....kalo ader ....ader laa..... "i've chased u for long enough, it's time u chase me..."..boley??? kuangkuangkuang...(ehhee naja...i curik ayat u yang u curik from gossip girls)....
mende nak chasing2 nie...penat laaaaaaa..... "u nak ke tanak nie????????" perghhh..kalo laaa i bleh tanye direct camtuh kan.....harks...... bleh ker nak tanye direct camtuh??? adeh...takder courage lagik ah...korang paham tak aper i citer nieee??? kalo x paham buat2 paham laaa blehhh?? saper paham..memang tererrrrr aaa...sehati sejiwa la kite....kehkehekeh...Seeppp skkettt!!
currently..im in a happy mood even jiwakacau sket..tapi still under control.... tak laa rase miserable cam dulu2 zaman frust tertonggeng2...harks......ill pray harder......"kalo betul...dekat kan...kalo tidak..jauh2kan.." tak gituh kak farra?? cewaaahhh..gune tips kak farra nie..ekekekekke...im enjoying my life to the fullest...:) i nak gi vacation next week....hikssss...ke mane?? ke seberangg u all.. nak bawa hati yang lara tak tentu hala nie..(TT)....cheewwahh......
mende nak chasing2 nie...penat laaaaaaa..... "u nak ke tanak nie????????" perghhh..kalo laaa i bleh tanye direct camtuh kan.....harks...... bleh ker nak tanye direct camtuh??? adeh...takder courage lagik ah...korang paham tak aper i citer nieee??? kalo x paham buat2 paham laaa blehhh?? saper paham..memang tererrrrr aaa...sehati sejiwa la kite....kehkehekeh...Seeppp skkettt!!
currently..im in a happy mood even jiwakacau sket..tapi still under control.... tak laa rase miserable cam dulu2 zaman frust tertonggeng2...harks......ill pray harder......"kalo betul...dekat kan...kalo tidak..jauh2kan.." tak gituh kak farra?? cewaaahhh..gune tips kak farra nie..ekekekekke...im enjoying my life to the fullest...:) i nak gi vacation next week....hikssss...ke mane?? ke seberangg u all.. nak bawa hati yang lara tak tentu hala nie..(TT)....cheewwahh......
Wa paham babe.. 25% ar tuan sadik segaraga.. kekekeke..
saper paham..memang tererrrrr aaa...sehati sejiwa la kite....
** agak agak saya paham tak... kalau paham kita memang sehati sejiwa...
ha'a..try la tanya camtu...sbb awk yg byk peminat...patut awk punya courage lg tinggi..org yg x peminat x courage sgt...huhuhu..btw kalu sy la yg dpt soalan tuh(perasan)...i say yes..u through for the next level(cam tyra)...hehehe..boleh???:)
lps dah kata yes tuh...ulur2 la contact number..boleh calling2..hiks..:)
loysi: hiks...thanks bro!! ehhehee
lan: pahamm kee bebbb??? ahhaha
padi: if it is simple as that....:)
ngeeee... ni musti tempias c p c p bulan org2 kawen nih... hehehe... bak kate p ramlee "kalau jodoh tak ke mane".. tp my granny lak cakap "tak kan nak tgg jodoh datang bergolekss"... lu pk la sendirik eh :D
gua paham sgt2 x1000... huhu.. Yan nih mmg banyak peminat... ramai je kene reject... sob..sob.. sian dorang... citer dia nih bole masuk cerekarama 57 episod... <--- lari topic nih... anyway.. ape2 pilihan u pun, i sokong!! k? see u bila balik from BALI nanti.. "wink", "wink"
mcm phm je..case aritu ke? kuang kunag kunag hikss
hi..lawa la u pkai tudung tu..tudung apa yer tu
sabar banyak-banyak..teruskan senyum tau..bercuti tu besss, nak ikut lah....!!
nujum: takder maknenyer kene tempias org kawin nieeee...hiihihi
sexycow: cesssss...
kak elly:ahhaha case yang tak abis ni kak..ehhehehe
anonymous: jom ah ikut gi BALI..ehhehe
ye la..simple sudeyh..kalo pikir byk2 sampai pening kepala dan jiwa merana sampai lupa diri kita buat apa kan? sbb kita ada mission yg lebih besar iaitu sentiasa takut kat Allah selalu...life is too short to be sad...we should thankful Allah more for other things(ability to eat) instead of our only one misery...just stay open because lightning could strike anytime:)...Allah tetap melakukan segala perkara yg dikehendakiNya...sesungguhnya Allah telah menentukan kadar dan masa bg setiap sesuatu..
"i've chased u for long enough, it's time u chase me..."..
hish dah tak larat nak kejar ke ..suh orang kejar plak nih...???hehehe
eh eh..saper paham, sehati sejiwa? uihhhhyooo....paham tak berooo? ooo berooo...hehehehe
aku ker yg bg nasihat cenggitu?...hehehe..betul aper...doa jerk byk2 yerkkk..saboorrrr...awk tu muda lagi maaa...jgn risau2...:)
ni msti pasal nikah kawin....hehehe
nk itottt g holiday!huhu
loyai...lan....lu faham wa pun faham...so diana...wa pun mcm lan dan loyai...FAHAMMMMMMMM....tapi faham2 gak...pikir2 kan lah....
so, acara chasing menchasing u dah berakhir ke??dh dpt apa yg u nak?..wpon cr u dptkan tu salah, u ttp leh rs berbangga ek..erm..bangga and bahagia itu xkan berkekalan..y??? u know the reason, beb....anyway, congrat...plz, take your time to think what u hv done...muhasabah yourself...
the last anonymous: uilk...emo semacam naper yerk???? paham ker entry ni pasal aper n saper??? becoz i tak letak pon name org ituh secare details...tau kah saye chase saper??ntah2 bukan org yg u maksudkan???...so u shud muhasabah urself kot instead of asking me to muhasabah myself..i didnt do anything wrong pon...only FRIENDS know the true story beb....... go figure!! :) congratz? hiks... kelako la ko nie...
p/s: cesss...guna anonymous...letak name sendiri aaa bebbb..tak berani keeeeee beb?????
Intermission..hahaha...kena sound...ntah cik anonymous nih...kecut takde telor(sori bad mouth)..:)..malu kat akhirat lg seksa dr dunia la bai...lu ingat lu otai sgt ke encik anonymous?Allah lg otai..x baik doakan kemusnahan kebahagiaan org lain...sbb kita blm tentu bahagia di akhirat kalau kita ingat kita dah selamat kat dunia nih..pikir2 kan lah...:)
ada tambahan lg utk cik anounymous yg kena sound..pakej org kata..hehehehe...minta maaf la ngan si cantik manis ni sbb hg buat dia marah..raya dah lps..haa..cane-cane??pompuan utk dikasihi bang...bkn utk dibuli ye..
nk ckp paham gak leh tak??? hehehehe
paham... paham...
next week kamu tiada?berapa lama adikku??
i like....
bandung kah?
owh! heaven!
kak ayu! gi baliii jom jom!!
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