Today i went to my classes wearing our "smart" engineering green jacket... everyone must have this jacket...the engineering students la of course.... hiks... we must wear this jacket when we have to do technical stuff ker got experiment in the lab ker.... got something to do with workshop thingy sangat wajib laa to wear this green jacket.. when i was at my 1st year..... dapat jer jacket friends and i were like...uishhh...."same laaa cam makcik cleaner nyer color jacket..."huahauahaua.... tapi takper... we are
proud to wear this jacket tho'.....
when u are walking around in uia wearing the jacket..then you go to other faculties... everyone is looking at u like u are an alien or....they might say "ehh naper
cleaner2 ni muda2 jerk??' *nangesss*
green jacket kebanggaan student engineering uia..huk huk huk...
me and my classmates dalam class... we are soooo bored in this class..haishh...
takder keje dalam class..mdm tgh discuss dgn other students...kitorang amik laaa som pixies..hikss....serious..sangat mengantuk ok... sangat passive laa mdm ini...adoii.......
hahahaa i got the same experience lorrr. masa nk masuk workshop dlu kena pakai baju gitu le lebih kurang. sume org tgk pelik but thank god kaler xsama ngan cleaner.
cleaner bukan kerja yg hina dan memalukan..:)
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